Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cruzan Distillery

Today we went to the Cruzan rum distillery. It was a quick tour, but interesting and tasty (One gets to taste test at the end!).

The rum is aged in used whiskey barrels.

 Old sugar mill.

Monday, November 28, 2011


We went to Sunday brunch at Angry Nates on the boardwalk and then took a drive to the west end of the island. There we saw the cruise ship pier and drove through the rain forest. Not your typical rainforest as far as parrots, monkeys, sloths... just a rainy part of the island.   

The mongoose is kind of an island joke. Someone brought them here to take care of the snakes on the island. Funny part is, there are no snakes on the island!!

This is the school where Kay taught. It is a hotel converted to a school. Pretty nice!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Saturday was spent in Christiansted. We started with lunch on the boardwalk and then while Kay shopped I wondered around and took photos.

 The boardwalk and an old sugar mill.

 The view while we ate lunch.

 Old Danish Customs House and Post Office.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Friday was pretty uneventful... just hung out at the house, went to the bar Kay worked at back in the day for a beer, and then went to Christiansted for Jump-up. Jump-up is like Carnival, steel drum bands, food vendors... just a big street party. The Mocko Jumbies, stilt walkers, were probably the best part.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Thanksgiving was very nice. We hung out at the house in the morning. Kay tried to get some sun, but it just kept sprinkling enough for that to not happen. In the afternoon we went for a drive to the east end of the island and then along the south shore for a while. Thanksgiving dinner was very good and of course we were stuffed to the gills after. It was a traditional dinner, which was good, I was worried about that. I thought I might have to make it when we get home. I am really frustrated that the word under the photos are not in the same place on the blog as where they are when I am composing!

 The Contessa's Castle                                        

 Doing the happy pelican dance because he gets fish for dinner!                                         

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Getting the blog figured out...

Ok, I just figured out how to add the photos while I write the blog!
So, here are some photos.
 The view outside my door.
Little guys are all over                                                                                
 From the bar to the beach in a few easy steps, if you don't miss any!

 Bar dog

 Fish diving


Let's get caught up!

Finally... computer access.
This trip has been fantastic! It is a little warmer than I like, but I'm not going to complain. As long as I don't have to work in this heat and humidity, I will be fine.
So far, we have just relaxed around the house and done a little site seeing.

My flight went well until arriving at the St Croix airport, someone took my luggage by mistake. Luckily, I had everything I needed in my carry-on. By the time we arrived at the house the airport had called and the person had returned my bag.
So we are driving to the house and Kay asks if I want a beer, silly girl, one would think after all this time she would know me better. After driving a little further, Kay pulls into what appears to be a bar, but tells me to wait in the pickup. She comes back out with a couple beers. Apparently, on the island of St Croix, one can get a ticket for no seat belt and using a cell phone while driving, but it is legal to drink and drive... literally!

Happy Birthday to me! A little confused when I wake up, but after realizing where I am, I'm pretty ok with it!
Kay has gone to work to finish up a couple things and pickup my lost luggage. I just hang out with Lori and the dogs, mostly the dogs as Lori doesn't spend much time outside!
When Kay gets back, we go for lunch and then on the "Shawshank Redemption Drive". For those of you that remember the end of the movie when Tim Robbins is driving down the coast of "Mexico", he was really driving along the north coast of St Croix! We stopped at a couple bars where the view was the ocean, I'm really hating this! Met a bartender from Mpls.
After a nap and shower, there is an outdoor shower in the guest house, Kay, Lori, Richard and I go out for dinner to a little Italian place. Really good food. Really great company. Really awesome birthday.

After Kay gets back from her walk, (no I didn't go with her on her morning power walk, too hot, too humid, and she walks way too damn fast!) we go for breakfast and bloodies. Then to the store for Thanksgiving wine.
We then head to a local resort so Kay can get some beach time. I, of course, spend most of my time taking pics and hanging in the shade.
Nap time and then I grill chicken and broccoli for everyone. Since it is Lori and Richard's last night before they go to San Antonio we just hang out at the house for the evening.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 1

Great, first day of vacation and I'm up at 5:40! Nap time (cuz I can)!